This is a guest post by David Risley's
If you could hand-select an ideal reader to your blog, who are you? what do they like what they look like?
There's even ever made you think about this?
See all too often, blogger set up a blog, only beginning the post with fingers crossed, hoping that someone will come by.In those days, do you really think too much about people that you can withdraw. This is all about these numbers and getting traffic. After all, to see some positive numbers in your at least means someone hanliza listening, right?
As someone who has had this thing for over a decade of blogs, I'm here to tell you numbers don't mean that much. When it comes to making business full-time of blogs, people will be able to attract more important than quantity.
I would have rather than an audience of 1,000 people I really "click" well with from 10,000 people that I didn't. You can make more money with a small audience at any time.
To enter the realm of common sense, let's look at the real life, shall we?
I have already told before this blog business people. Understand people who understand the business blogs as a model.So, with this in mind, let's just think about things we already observed that little thing called "real life".
Have you ever had to deal with someone you just don't get along with – at all?Perhaps you have a sense of humor, but this person has no and ends up taking seriously all jokes (or, worse, get ???????). you are responsible for, that person is a model laoportonizm. Maybe you guys just sharing interests not at all.Guys are like oil and water.
Reversible side, other people are just really is easier to get along with. maybe they share the same goals, and end up working together. Perhaps you have a sense of humor as well as crack. you may be able to answer a special person and "love at first sight".Call it chemistry or you wish as Forrest Gump would say it, guys get such as peas, carrots.
Now, throw you fancy word, what I am talking about is overlapping. If you were trying to arbitrarily symbolize the same person in a series of vectors, all was a more or less in the same direction.Overlap or alignment.
He said many times, but very important part of making money as a blogger is to build solid relationships with your audience. You want, like and trust you.
If we get only a little more deeply, it comes to pull out the types of people "on" with. Overlap with people.
Your ideal reader is someone who shares certain goals with you (after all, and that's what makes them part of the market to begin with). Beyond that, however, they should also share some properties you so they "click" with your style, your personality.
These are people with personalities and congruent.These are the people who form the strongest bonds, will appreciate what you can produce, who would be more likely to buy your stuff or what they will feel as if they recommend. they know you.They like you and trust you.They are fans.
Now, it is very important that the way to describe your online brand personalities and withdraw congruent.Start up the properties of "jive" with the audience and play down the other.In fact, you are creating avatar brand for yourself.Ideally, avatar brand should be representative of where your audience wants to be.
If you know the rule the world of Internet marketing, then maybe you know who the Kern pair is Mr. Frank. this avatar brand client is ideal. wants to make money.Money generally means the freedom of time and location people often associate the beach freedom.So, what brand of Frank?Lbom surfers who lived on the beach in San Diego and turns everything into a huge piles of money by touching it openly displayed is a sense of humor.
What did Frank?There he played until those aspects of itself that are congruent with the audience his avatar brand for it that they want to be.
The purpose of this post is just to make you think avatar brand your blog.
In short, she came to be natural, but also strategic. be yourself on your blog to be a little about the kind of strategic brand online that you can describe the type, so you can attract people and when someone simply ... does not click with you that together, they cancel the subscription because the relationship is more important than the extra pixel graph your analyses.
To start, I recommend to write ads "Wanted" for the customer the ideal or reads. If you would write an advertisement of, what you write?
Here's an example, if I was writing one for the ideal audience for my blog:
WANTED: blogger who wants to make their passion driven effort full-time. must be a person ready to work while having fun with the operation.
It is a short and concise, yet is to identify the types of qualities ???????. I'm not saying that you are about to go out and post it everywhere. This is only an exercise to make you think avatar your brand and your target audience.
Finally, as to create this advertisement, think about how you describe yourself in your blog, what types of people it will draw is avatar your brand and your audience line up?
David Risley shows bloggers how to find the intersection of marketing blogs and finally start making money with your blog, you can track it escapades on Twitter at @ davidrisley.
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