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Saturday, November 27, 2010

ProBlogger book: audio version available

ProBlogger site news

The second edition of the book ProBlogger (hard cover) came out earlier this year and enjoyed some great reviews (you can read what's new in sec.)

He also left the Kindle version at the same time, but in recent months was released another version: audio version.

While leaving the Publisher was a passenger, so put off posting about it (and then promptly forgot to do so) so here's my post launch point!

I never heard audio version by Chris or myself (it is a bit strange to hear someone to tell your story in the first person) but I suspect the guy reading it does so in a more distinct than Chris secondary and can manage with our express mad!

I know many of you learn more effectively by hearing than read, so if you have read the book, you can take an audio copy rather than listen to it on your iPod, your computer, or a car.


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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The 7 deadly fears of blogs about how to overcome them


This guest post is by Nathan Hangen empire building a digital computer.

I remember back to the beginning of 2008, when I just started blogging, is that although I had a great aspirations of knowledge, of my expertise, of confidence as a blogger is missing. I stumbled over my career before year-blogs I really had a good grip on things, and even then I struggled with many things.

But above all, through all the struggles I was one of the enemy that kept popping up time and again, each time in a different way than the last. This enemy was a goat determined, hand, eventually, I had no choice but to confront it, or to engage a cumulative life forever.

Finally, the moment of Bruce Wayne's brightness, I decided to turn this around the face of the enemy, and it.The name was fear, seven ways, he tried to take me.Here are the tactics used to fight back.

I never thought having too many ideas will be a bad thing, but what is worse, I never suspected that the culprit in fact be the fear itself.

The early days, I found that only when you get close to complete the idea, I suddenly be filled with dozens of new ideas. as a result, I can move the concept idea, one never finishing. eventually, I realized my fear of going all in a single idea was saving me from being successful as a blogger.

Tactic 1: stop playing the concept idea and ship those you are already committed.

After I was committed to a single idea, often I found myself running out of things to write about. This was not to be all ideas, but I was too afraid to speak on them.

"What if people make me?"
"What if people think I'm idiot?"
"What if I don't really know what I'm talking about?"

This type of self-talk killer blog is an excellent way to take yourself out of the fight in front of you an opportunity to grow.Successful bloggers do not work from their best ideas, give them the world.

Tactic 2: don't be afraid to be you. Start the flame out into a wildfire.Some of the best bloggers I know are more personal, more open, even I'm comfortable with, guess what … their audience love them for it.

My wife often asked me this very: "who cares what you think?"

And time, it hurt like a dagger, not because it's a silly question, but because it's one I was asking myself every day.

"Who really cares what I think?"
"Why does my ideas matter?"

This is an issue of confidence, and that fear of love play games and serious. First of all, it doesn't matter if anyone cares what you think.The only person to use it yourself.Furthermore, there are people just like you everywhere, you will be surprised how come out of hiding to come when they see a real leader.

Can't be everything to everyone, but can be a great leader who resonate with, and connect people with ideas and philosophies. However, they cannot do that if you do not share them.

Tactic 3: Seth Godin wrote that bshbti, the truth is that Yes – we need you to lead us to people care what you think, in fact, far more than you imagine.Must have to share it; don't be selfish.

I see this one all the time.Bloggers still call themselves hobby bloggers even though they don't want to be. they call themselves the list b, or c-list even when they are able.

Fear and love to tell you that you are not good enough to be great, because you always you bound the role of a follower, or second rate this talent.That's not true, but it's easy to fall prey to this type of call.

There are rules to say that only the average blogger. in fact, the road is wide open for anyone ready to go.

Tactic 4: stop cutting yourself, give yourself permission to be great.Nobody was going to ask you to be wonderful, but they are a step in a minute you're ???????.Require the authority;Do not wait.

I remember a trembling at the thought of asking our brother guest posting opportunity blogger.The name was Caroline Middlebrook, though we talked a little via email, I was nervous as hell to ask her permission. Finally one day and just do it, and guess what?Success! unfortunately, I see many bloggers fear this step, as a result, they toil isolation for years.

I joked with Kelly Diels about it one time — asking guest blogger post opportunity is like asking a friend to go on a date with you great relationships may Twitter or section comments, but you don't want to ruin it for the purpose of the guest post … so wait.

Tactic 5: Word is not something to fear, rather than fearing it needs to get used to hearing it cannot display not hitting ??????????'??, but rather a way to get one step closer to Yes.If the simple act of executing a request enough to destroy a relationship, then it wasn't worth it.

People are just going to show on your blog and offer to send you money for free via e-mail;You must be able to offer something.

You are told time and again there is a need to develop your own online store, which means that you have started planning a series of products, courses, webinars and anything else you can think of.But where to stop.
For some reason, there is always something that gets way of getting your product actually ended.

MediaEmergency postsEmailSocial blog this crazy way.

You know that's true, but you can do this anyway.

Look, I know it's not easy to sit down and create a product, the minute you try to do this, you're getting confusing. it's easier to do, but have to fight it.

Tactic 6: don't let the resistance forever. instead of targeting a fear of losing time to do something else, or your ability to create the perfect product, focus on the positive … to focus on creating a product, delivery. like blogs, takes perfect, but never get there if you are running.

This is a large one, unfortunately, probably the most common fear in blogosphere. how you can make money when you love what you do? how do you ask if a friend or colleague to buy something, especially when you want to see them comment retweet your blog posts?

Well here's the deal, if they are not asking for the sale and then never get one case has been closed.

You can try to avoid pages sales "scammy", large launches or affiliates, but unless you have an army of people waiting for you to sell something, probably never going to weak work. If you want to make a living doing this, you have to fight for it; do not be afraid of closing.

Tactic 7: get comfortable asking sale. find every opportunity that you can practice it, and save up to fear disappears. eventually, I will become second nature, promise you.

In my opinion the biggest fear is by contacting bloggers all this hard work they are doing is never going to pay. I know how it feels.

Don't want to spend time on something that won't work., you want to "smash" and you want to make a difference ... you don't want to lose or to look stupid.

The best advice that can give you is this:

No one knows if what you're doing is going to pay. However, I can say without reserve that as long as you want to succeed, with all the fiber in your soul, you are ready to do what it takes to do so (this means may offset gears or changing your business), then the monster fear won't be something close to chance battle against you.

Rotating, mirroring the fear in her eyes, and he ends up hitting, Mortal Kombat style.

Nathan Hangen is initiated, as well as the author writes about building digital Empire. If you're tired of letting fear get the way of your success, click here to get free eyes of fear fuel, revolutionary course for entrepreneurs.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

7 ways to find inspiration: important outdoors blog

Writing content

Guest post by Amy Parmenter from parmfarm.com.

Have you ever wondered how to get Darren, other bloggers list of so much great content? it looks simple to come pouring out: day after day, month after month, year after year, there is a constant flow of information and inspiration. In the meantime, we'll quickly runs dry.

As a journalist, too, am I called him to create new stories every day. While some of the stories get themselves, most do not.There are plenty of slow news days, with the advent of new cycle 24 hours a day, and almost always need a good story.

Over the years, I found my biggest inspiration comes when "I think outside the newsroom", I ask myself, "what people are talking about? what people about?Who has a problem might be able to address? "and, with this story ideas flow.

It's no wonder that I found that holds true for blogs.

When you're looking for inspiration, you spend the whole day on the Internet, read what others have written and tried to make it call it your own. Alternatively, you can think outside of the blog.Takes a little more work and creativity, but the end result is truly original posts and the chance to develop a loyal following.

Here are seven ways to find inspiration by "thinking outside of the blog."

Given that I am a journalist, you might think that it would be a no-brainer, but like Darren and Kim on Regator must both pointed out, if you are going to write about topics trending, you want to offer a unique perspective. Who said it's easier to do so.Write about an interesting topic to du jour, useful with your niche, which can be quite the challenge.

For example, my blog discusses the growing personally, professionally, I wondered how that can be written to the football World Cup or bpaotz of horns?

What about an article named "Silencing Vuvuzelas"? I'm a post comparing the structure of games to successive noise that successive noise in your head that criticizes everything you do.Once you get it just part of the game, easier target.

Aware of the fact that not all of these exercises, but here's another reason to do so — even if only a walking trip. me, he thinks walk (or incremental, or swimming). safe exercise kindness, but it also clears the mind (silencing the vuvuzelas!), more often than not, ideas pop within or across domains only your path.

For instance, I'm a bike riding out the day, I saw beautiful goose stuffed with the idea of crossing the road. Unfortunately, on my return, goose it was on the opposite side of the road, with his head.

Vbhcerot. How can I possibly write about it? Remember, I write about personal and professional growth.

Following my post was entitled "the life lesson I learned from Goose." message was simple: If God gives you wings, use them.

This is a tricky one, is for you to determine where to draw the line, but one of the things that makes the ProBlogger so successful is that it is so personal in nature. even if Darren is unknown to you, don't you feel like you know Darren?

Is shared about his family, he should be a reference to this belief, we know he likes to photograph because of any of these things, at one time or another, has served as the inspiration for this blog.

Mistakes and failures are not the same thing, but they can both provide inspiration, even if it hurts.For the purposes of my failure to something you've tried to not work as you hoped, but it is a mistake to something they have done in the first place. in any event, if it results in a blog post, something good comes from it.

For instance, recently I wiped out all of the files on my computer, not back then, frustration and anger only myself to blame me, I'm no good reason lspsli owners.

While I'm ashamed to admit, I am so proud of both blog produced it: "what I learned on my relationships and my computer: If something is important to you — protect it."

In terms of failures, some of the best bloggers write about things you've already tried to settings that worked.Not only this information is useful, but it's also inspiring because you can see also who we recognise as "successful" there were disappointments along the way.

To clarify, we think outside of the blog here, so I refers to the failure is not about fall short in several subscribers she be at some point in time.A better example would be one of the most popular posts in the blog digital photography of Darren about taking pictures blurry images.

This is one easy. how often Darren write about someone asked the same question or something that came in the conversation?Rarely a day go by when I don't have a conversation could parlay into a post.

For instance, recently I had a conversation with a friend was frustrated in his work is not going to go ... to his boss and on the same day, but he came to realize the need is changing.

Blog post!

One short phone call was the inspiration for "what's next?", a post about the importance of forward thinking.

While we all want to be probloggers, most professional bloggers are something else. already told you I'm a reporter today (and sometimes by night …), but this does not mean that only you can find new inspiration for my work.

For instance, we all know and believe in me is changing the media, I am thick of it. like so many other industries, there are few job security, who still come do twice as many half payment.

Blog post!

Witness my other struggling to re-journalists invent themselves, I wrote the post, "wait for your change," a small anecdote about what to do when you don't know what to do next.

This is easy because it's one that everyone can relate to what you're afraid of? what are readers fear? write about this you don't need to get rid of fear: simple OK it builds a sense of these went to build — perhaps even eliminate some of your fears!

For example, as a blogger you have to wear many hats at the same time ... but what if no one reads your posts? what if someone leaves a comment you left out responding? what if I don't publish regularly as promised you? what if …

It is so overwhelming! so Darren wrote a post on the great feeling dazed that made us all feel a little better.

Inspiration is all around you just look.

To see him. feel it. write about it.

About your connector: Amy Parmenter is the award-winning journalist who blogs about personal and professional growth that is speaking at parmfarm.com. BlogWorld, 15 October, about how to get Media coverage of your blog. transition.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do I make money blogging: splitting income August/September 2010

Blogging for dollars

Since April this year, I was putting together my own business earnings reports try to give readers a sense of how bloggers can earn income from a variety of sources.

A few months since I updated, today I'm going to cover two in August and September.

Below you will see two pie charts with splits in two months. Note that there are some differences between them, with ebook sales is the biggest mover of the month (it always goes a bit when you launch a new ebook, as I did in August with the Scorecard copywriting for Bloggers).


Here I also include chart tracks different income streams over the last six months and shows total revenue and all of the streams.

You'll notice in September was the lowest since June revenue, mainly because you did not activate product or do you perform a large branch every month (is the calm before the storm, hope, the end of the year seems like it would be busy, busy, busy).


Another factor is the game that the exchange rate between the EURO Australian dollar has not working to my satisfaction.

Where I became $ .20AUD just a few months ago for each $ 1 USD, the exchange rate is now almost 1: 1, due to the strength of the Australian economy moment (we seem to be one of the few countries in the world do not have a recession).

As always, people ask why I would not let these charts dollar figures. I'm not really into getting there is that, except to say the business produces a seven figure income each year.

What were your last few months like?

If you're interested in breakdowns months are available at:

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Used to move readers the operation by the power of imagination

Writing content

Imagine if you had the power to move readers to take action on orders that gave them in your blog posts! how powerful that is?

Recently I heard a number of radio advertisements must be opened by lines are similar to the one above — invite those hearing ad "imagine" something. one ad aired until-hued fathers day (which falls in September in Australia) said:

"Imagine the look of your father's face when he opens a gift from you and sees a newspaper the day born!"

What a great opening line — I envisioned my father immediately opens a gift and the gift I was revellers take action, to buy newspaper this (although I am not because it was already we got him as a gift).

After hearing this technique used in radio ads several times recently, it struck me this powerful technique could be used to write blog posts. here are some thoughts about the concept of using recorded imagination blogs who put on a walk (my second "WalkCast") simply click the icon below to start the listener.

What do you think? do you use invitation ever ' imagine ' in your posts? how it worked?

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Monday, November 8, 2010

5 reasons to promote your blog using press releases

Promoting a blog

This guest post is by Barak Jiyan, Director of product management for PRWeb.

Creating content on the blog is only one aspect of the entity blogger productive — you wrote the content, but now what? How do you intend to promote your blog or specific posts within it?

Companies, businesses, and individual try many tactics blog, but few consider using parts of journalism such as promotional tactic for their blog. This is a simple idea blog many forget or don't know underestimate even exists.

An external link to a Web site is like a vote of confidence — imagine how powerful these voices could be targeted anchor text.  Press release with the anchor text links to help increase the authority of your blog search engines, if in itself, or to reuse content from the original by the influencer. Not only targeted anchor text users, but you can also get your competitors ' sites domain authority blogs not using blaitonot potentially not.

Remember not to fall into the trap of overdoing your links to the press.Include too many links, and it is clear to the reader and to search engine robots what you are trying to do. The caller can be put by too many links, feel advertised, while search engine robot detects document contains too many links, not value them highly. links to the press can be strong, but only if they are used when necessary.  My recommendation (conventional wisdom) is one of the hyperlink for each 100 words.

Press releases are still in the format preferred by common media, so promoting your blog through press releases may take you to an investigation of common media outlet.The media must be looking for something unique, so to promote the most eye-catching-content or your blog (or even your blog itself). even if the media didn't write up the story from, if this publication reveals journalist have become a subscriber to your blog, they are easy to write about you.

Major wire services releases have large distribution channels will send the fresh traffic of your blog niche specific. larger the site, more channels and categories will have distribution (which is what you get with a paid vs. free wire services).Remember, press release reach community influencers. other journalists, bloggers from your niche may see your distribution and suddenly you targeted traffic as a result.This is also the power of the new model of direct distribution — it gives you the ability to create your own audience.

Days, in fact, visitors to the site to obtain information in both the long behind many of us, the best distribution services of press release should be kept with the growing demand for content since common categories, Web sites for the large distribution subscribe via RSS influencers experienced based on their interests by promoting your blog audience who already use AN RSS FEED, and sharing your feed in your publication, you can increase your subscriber base influencers significantly.

Press release you can rank in the search engines as well, giving the main entry point of a new niche blog. sometimes only one high optimized press release is all it takes to get on the first page of the search engine for the term competitive drive consistent traffic and increased awareness of organic about your blog.

New writing press releases? these resources will help you get started:

Jiyan Wei is Director of product management for PRWeb, the leader of online news distribution, online publication for more tips. using press releases, follow @ PRWeb Twitter.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

You can have blogs for blog action day?

ProBlogger site news

This is the time of the year this day is the day! action blog — an opportunity for bloggers of the world over to raise the awareness of a particular issue.

This year, the theme is water, the good people at blog action day HQ each announced that White House Foreign Affairs Office of the United Kingdom it is possible to join the chorus to help bring attention to water issues this year.

So will we.

You must register for blog action day? how do you focus on your blog on the topic of water per day?

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Friday, November 5, 2010

How to use a sales boost Storyselling to

Blogging for dollars

This guest post is by Johnny b. Truant, johnnybtruant.com.

When I was in high school, I witnessed the most impressive sales job I ever had.

The entire student body, one afternoon, was made to the auditorium for Assembly. Nobody knew what Assembly about. We simply said to participate.

That there were two guys, dressed casually.As they began, instead of telling us why they were there, they started telling us jokes. They told us how many stories, too-funny stories that involve their own families (who were clueless as ours, since we were teenagers, knew everything), and empathized with us about the ridiculous stories how the book was a gentle and fun, our teachers fund. these guys like we found.They think their stories as we were interesting., fun. Settled and we relaxed.

We stopped caring why was already we called the Assembly.Someone made a mistake was pure entertainment book, but we are not going to complain.

In the middle of your presentation, change the mood of the two guys in front.It was like an early attack: we knew that he had come before.Suddenly, they were talking about HIV. abstinence. and, how was bad drink plenty and do drugs. it was generally all adult material to speak to teenagers about their material — teenagers at the wheel.

But we did not roll our eyes we were listening to. we stood.

Instead of saying it was bad, they ??????? would tell us about the girl who we had met in one of these funny stories to the beginning of the presentation, how she got sick after contracting AIDS and died.

Instead of telling us not to drink and drive, they told us about the child we have heard about earlier, but now the story turned him to be a wheelchair for the rest of his life after being hit by a drunk.

When the kids school of 1200 filed outside the Auditorium at the end of this Assembly, nobody was jaded, skeptical, or mocking the message was already we have most children who streamed. before me were quiet or crying.

Those that came to our school to sell us the idea of being careful, and making smart choices, and stay safe — all ideas that aren't teenagers usually even a little interested in buying from loops adults and parents.

But because they did their sell through stories, we had to buy everything.

When you blog, you're usually trying to convince people to do something. You want them to start reading the post.You want to read until the end of the post.Should they purchase a product or service, or register for a newsletter or an RSS feed may want to leave a comment, making a survey, or to be convinced that your perspective.

To convince your readers to do anything at all, you need to sell them.One of the most powerful ways to sell is a story — call it the "storyselling".

Stories are disarming.Interesting stories about people first class entertainment, which causes them to lower the guard who usually rather than to prevent people from pushing things to them.

Back in high school, at this Assembly, we didn't want to be told something as opposed to what we already believed to be true.We had fun, no one knows better than us what we should be doing. teenagers are the people most difficult to convince everything — difficult presenter at sales ever tries to make.

But these guys because they entertained us succeeded first. they got us to get our guards.They got us love them, treat them.After they have done, when it's time for them to "sell", we were troristi. never we had a chance.

Want to give storyselling to try?Here are some things to keep in mind as you do.

The purpose of storyselling cause the reader to identify necessary course of action (or a certain product or service) through allegory. instead of explaining the rainforest destruction, to tell the story of a traveling smoother Earth stripped. instead of outlining the features and benefits of a new training program, to tell the story of how you used to be overweight, how to develop a training that got thin.

Always trying to lead the reader to conclusion by demonstration rather than by beating them with creature persuasiveness. you know who was great in all this? ghosts of Christmas Carol of Dickens. they will not tell Scrooge how his stink if he kept doing what he does. instead, they took him there and let him see it himself.

A common mistake with this approach is a string from a long story that may have a great story, but who gets to selling the product or idea to reach world or loses the audience before it does so. always keep your main "selling point" remember you keep bringing the story back to him. it is not only a story — it is a story that shows readers why they should do X or buy Y.

Everyone has a story is true, real, and any product or move existing reason. somehow, you became convinced to get involved, so it's your job to pull the same desire and motivation out and to use your own story to convince others. There is no need to invent something — truth always sell better.

Give storyselling a shot next time you expect to convince. no matter what you sell, you may only have to tell the story you get past of many more readers than a bulleted list of advantages.

Johnny Truant it creates b. Storyselling 101.(He also builds Web sites.)

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Monday, November 1, 2010

7 reasons why us rock products

Blogging for dollars

This is a guest post by Steve Martile education freedom.

I now pay 400 monthly for a one on one coaching. This is the price tag is overpriced for some people, although I know how many coaches who charge up to $ 10,000 a month, making my look at coaching.

One potential customer is really wanted to do said coaching with me.She saw the value you need it and she wanted to buy, but she just couldn't get the money that was buy your coaching or pay the rent. She decided to pay the rent.

Since coaching is the service at the highest I could, I decided to go with the product almost anyone can afford.

The reason I started with us is because low. I thought that almost every person in every country could not afford the price … and so I at least different price points could test, to see what worked best for my readers.

I created my first us product two months ago on my blogs coaches site. it companies in which we provide coaches with advice on how to build their business through blogs, blogs — in 7 of the month. Is a steal for coaches who want to build their coaching business online.

Coaches need to think so, too, when we announced this product to our mailing list about 300 people, bought 11 of them. This is the conversion ratio to 3.6%. So if you think you need a large mailing list to start making money, you are wrong!

Six weeks ago, I offered my blog readers to us companies and educational freedom.Three weeks later, I heard of the motivation of the book $ 7. both these products are sold. I love us products.

If you can reduce the cost of the products or services package them into product us and then readers more likely to buy.Much less risky.I mean he is us ... Only if you did not like in their eyes, they will not lose much.

If that doesn't convince you, try offering product warranty ensures that your buyers. giving them their money back, no questions, if they are not satisfied with the product.Very few of your buyers will claim this responsibility.

Your suggestion is also called your copy. don't know you, but I am blogger. I write blog posts newsletters. I do not write copy.Writing copy is a bit foreign to me. The last thing I want to do is write a piece of a ten-page copy for $ 500 product where you don't know what a waste of time.

What is easier for me is to write a shorter copy for the product that sells $ 7.

It is only 7 dollars — there's no need to write a novel.750 words even make it a convincing, and it is about like a post to a blog.Make sure you focus on the reasons why someone should buy the product.You want to keep reminding readers why preventing your product, how it will help them.

This gives you a huge advantage: you don't need a big product launch to sell the product to us.

You only want to edit a message in your newsletter and on your blog.Tell your readers about your product, how it will help them solve their problem. when I announced my new product, send emails to my newsletter subscribers three and I publish my two blog posts for a week.You do not need to be aggressive, but it really is up to what you and your style.

Imagine writing a piece of a $ 500 product is taking 12-16 hours to write this if you are really good copywriter.And what if you're terrible at copywriting, like I do then it probably won't sell.

Instead, imagine a product I took us eight hours to create the copy, write an email to publish blog posts for my first product: only the first afternoon for blogger.Then place your newsletter and my blog and autopilot and allow each this happen.Went out to walk with my wife on Monday afternoon when I received the first sale was a great feeling from my.

I like this part. you don't have a product for its $ 7. If you're like me, you don't have any idea how to approach the ???????? or even how to set up affiliate program, instead of switching that through all the trouble, take the next step — what is the baby to offer us product.

Us product, the more people buy — even if the currency exchange is high — because it's so cheap! you're not going to get rich with this strategy, but it doesn't get wet feet. it gives you an idea of what your readers to buy, what they did and know which helps you ... come up with new ideas for higher priced products.

In my opinion this is the most important reason why should begin offering products to us, especially if you're new to selling products. If you are just getting started with blogging see the return on your investment, consider creating the product to us first.

When you sell the product to us first on the Internet something happens internally. shift within: start to believe you make money from your blog begins to see how you can go even bigger might make $ 27, $ 45, $ 100, and $ 500 products … it gets exciting.

But you have to start small. After selling the product to us first, you start to believe in the enormous confidence in yourself. accept and understand that even you can make money online.

Steve is the creator of education freedom: is he wants your and 7 Secrets of changing speed is also co-creator of blogs for coaches.

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