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Monday, November 1, 2010

7 reasons why us rock products

Blogging for dollars

This is a guest post by Steve Martile education freedom.

I now pay 400 monthly for a one on one coaching. This is the price tag is overpriced for some people, although I know how many coaches who charge up to $ 10,000 a month, making my look at coaching.

One potential customer is really wanted to do said coaching with me.She saw the value you need it and she wanted to buy, but she just couldn't get the money that was buy your coaching or pay the rent. She decided to pay the rent.

Since coaching is the service at the highest I could, I decided to go with the product almost anyone can afford.

The reason I started with us is because low. I thought that almost every person in every country could not afford the price … and so I at least different price points could test, to see what worked best for my readers.

I created my first us product two months ago on my blogs coaches site. it companies in which we provide coaches with advice on how to build their business through blogs, blogs — in 7 of the month. Is a steal for coaches who want to build their coaching business online.

Coaches need to think so, too, when we announced this product to our mailing list about 300 people, bought 11 of them. This is the conversion ratio to 3.6%. So if you think you need a large mailing list to start making money, you are wrong!

Six weeks ago, I offered my blog readers to us companies and educational freedom.Three weeks later, I heard of the motivation of the book $ 7. both these products are sold. I love us products.

If you can reduce the cost of the products or services package them into product us and then readers more likely to buy.Much less risky.I mean he is us ... Only if you did not like in their eyes, they will not lose much.

If that doesn't convince you, try offering product warranty ensures that your buyers. giving them their money back, no questions, if they are not satisfied with the product.Very few of your buyers will claim this responsibility.

Your suggestion is also called your copy. don't know you, but I am blogger. I write blog posts newsletters. I do not write copy.Writing copy is a bit foreign to me. The last thing I want to do is write a piece of a ten-page copy for $ 500 product where you don't know what a waste of time.

What is easier for me is to write a shorter copy for the product that sells $ 7.

It is only 7 dollars — there's no need to write a novel.750 words even make it a convincing, and it is about like a post to a blog.Make sure you focus on the reasons why someone should buy the product.You want to keep reminding readers why preventing your product, how it will help them.

This gives you a huge advantage: you don't need a big product launch to sell the product to us.

You only want to edit a message in your newsletter and on your blog.Tell your readers about your product, how it will help them solve their problem. when I announced my new product, send emails to my newsletter subscribers three and I publish my two blog posts for a week.You do not need to be aggressive, but it really is up to what you and your style.

Imagine writing a piece of a $ 500 product is taking 12-16 hours to write this if you are really good copywriter.And what if you're terrible at copywriting, like I do then it probably won't sell.

Instead, imagine a product I took us eight hours to create the copy, write an email to publish blog posts for my first product: only the first afternoon for blogger.Then place your newsletter and my blog and autopilot and allow each this happen.Went out to walk with my wife on Monday afternoon when I received the first sale was a great feeling from my.

I like this part. you don't have a product for its $ 7. If you're like me, you don't have any idea how to approach the ???????? or even how to set up affiliate program, instead of switching that through all the trouble, take the next step — what is the baby to offer us product.

Us product, the more people buy — even if the currency exchange is high — because it's so cheap! you're not going to get rich with this strategy, but it doesn't get wet feet. it gives you an idea of what your readers to buy, what they did and know which helps you ... come up with new ideas for higher priced products.

In my opinion this is the most important reason why should begin offering products to us, especially if you're new to selling products. If you are just getting started with blogging see the return on your investment, consider creating the product to us first.

When you sell the product to us first on the Internet something happens internally. shift within: start to believe you make money from your blog begins to see how you can go even bigger might make $ 27, $ 45, $ 100, and $ 500 products … it gets exciting.

But you have to start small. After selling the product to us first, you start to believe in the enormous confidence in yourself. accept and understand that even you can make money online.

Steve is the creator of education freedom: is he wants your and 7 Secrets of changing speed is also co-creator of blogs for coaches.

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